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Making the most of your retirement options.

1. Find out if there are any volunteer opportunities near where you live now (or move) so that you can spend time doing something meaningful while also meeting new people who share your interests; this will help keep loneliness at bay during retirement years.

2. Get involved with a church or religious group of some kind- even if it's just attending services once every few weeks, being part of such an organization will give you more purpose in life as well as companionship from fellow members who are going through similar experiences as yours; churches often offer activities like book clubs, cooking classes, etc., which may be perfect for retirees looking for ways to stay active without having to leave their homes too much

3. Consider downsizing your living situation so that you can live more comfortably in retirement without having to worry about work-related expenses such as commuting costs and office supplies.

4. Invest in stocks with the goal of building wealth over time through dividend payments from companies that pay out dividends on their stocks each year (i.e., Exxon Mobil Corporation) while also avoiding the risk associated with individual stock investments by diversifying your portfolio across many different types of stocks (i.e., Exxon Mobil Corporation, Apple Inc., Microsoft Corp.) rather than just one type of stock (i.e., Exxon Mobil Corporation only) at any given point in time - this strategy is known as "dividend reinvestment" because it involves automatically reinvesting all dividends back into additional

5. Get involved in local politics or volunteer at a homeless shelter, soup kitchen, animal shelter, etc., which will help keep you feeling young and active while giving back to the community at large; this is especially important if you're retiring early due to illness or disability since it can be hard for people on fixed incomes to find ways of staying busy without spending too much money on entertainment; volunteering not only benefits others but may also improve your mental health by providing social support and reducing feelings of isolation caused by lack of work outside the house; volunteering should be done in moderation so as not to overwhelm yourself though - remember that it's supposed to be fun! ;).

6. Save more money by eliminating wasteful spending habits, such as impulse buys or eating out too often 

7. Consider downsizing to a smaller home or condo that is easier to maintain and doesn't require yard work or snow removal services every day of the week 

8. Make sure you have enough life insurance coverage in case anything happens to you unexpectedly, including disability insurance if you are unable to work any longer due to an injury or illness; make sure these policies will continue paying out even if something happens to your spouse who was listed on the policy first before you were added later on as a secondary beneficiary 

9. Reduce monthly bills by switching providers for things like cable TV, internet service provider, car insurance company, etc.; consider bundling some of these together so that it's less expensive overall but still gives you access when needed (e-mail alerts from companies may be able to help with this)


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